Rev. Tokuno


[Back Number]The President’s 82nd Message The special mission of Heavenly Japan—the Mother Nation—as True Mother’s heartistic foundation

To everyone in the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, moving forward, the plan is our movement will have...

[Back Number] The President’s 83rd Message The Post-pandemic and the Beginning of a New Providential Stage

To all of the members, family members, and blessed families of the Family Federation for a Heavenly Japan of the Heavenl...

[Back Number] The President’s 84th Message Return to the Source of Our Faith

To all of the members, family members, and blessed families of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification of ...

The President’s 87th Message “Core themes that should not be overlooked in our lives of faith”

To all of the members, family members, and blessed families of the Family Federation for World Peace of the Heavenly Par...

The President’s 86th Message “Grace from the One-Million Member Rally of Hope and Advancement on Aug. 9th”

To all of the members, family members, and blessed families of the Family Federation for World Peace of the Heavenly Par...

The President’s 85th Message The Providential Outlook Observed from Today’s International Affairs & Our 3 Great Objectives

To all of the members, family members, and blessed families of the Family Federation for World Peace of the Heavenly Par...