- A year of serving Heaven and fulfilling our responsibilities
- Dedicate your whole lives for the path of love: love heaven, love people, and love country
- Be an Entity Worthy of Being a Child of God
- Now, we have reached the final stage of God’s liberation
- Towards the victory for entering Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum
- Repentance through the Spirit is Necessary for Us to Move in the Providence
- Our attitude toward True Parents’ lives and the “interpretation” of their words
- Keep an eye on where the providential compass is pointed while walking the path
- Providential Meaning of Entering Cheon Won Gung
- The Only Way to Overcome Hatred and Resentment
- Guidelines for the 40-day Period of Special Devotions for a Victorious Entrance into the Cheon Won Gung Cheonil Sanctum
- The Motto of Year 2025
- 160-Day Special Activity for the Victorious Entrance into Cheon Il Sanctum in Cheon Won Gung
- 5th 40-Day Special Devotional Period for a Victorious Entrance into the Cheon Il Sanctum in Cheon Won Gung
- Resolution Week for a Victorious Entrance into the Cheon Il Sanctum in Cheon Won Gung
- 40-day Special Jeongseong (Devotion) Course to Inherit Heavenly Fortune
- 3rd 40-Day Special Devotional Period for a Victorious Entrance into the Cheon Il Sanctum in Cheon Won Gung
- Message from the World President on the day of The 961st Cheon Shim Won Special All-night Vigil December 13, 11th year of CIG in Heavenly Calendar (February 2,2024)
- 2nd 40-Day Special Devotional Period for a Victorious Entrance into the Cheon Il Sanctum in Cheon Won Gung
- Day 1 (Nov. 25)