Rev. Bang Regional Group President


To the second generation rising up as bearers of God’s will

(This is the last message of Rev. Bang we will read here as he resigned his position.) Introduction On October 2, the “C...

Answering True Parents’ call to bring victory to witnessing

At 7:00 a.m. on September 1, the “Pledge Service to Commemorate the 11th Anniversary of the Cosmic Seonghwa for Sun Myun...

Grace from the Cheon Shim Won prayer vigils cannot be measured

A special training workshop for Japanese members was held at HJ Heaven and Earth Cheonbo Training Center in Cheongpyeong...

The Eight Major Holidays are the records of True Parents’ Victories

On June 18 (May 1, Heavenly Calendar), a pledge service commemorating the 61st True Day of All Things was held at Shoto ...

Witnessing is how we need to live life

On June 1, a special assembly for the leaders of Family Federation Heavenly Japan was held at Isshin Special Education C...

Korea and Japan which live for the world

On April 24, Bang Sang-il, Regional Group President of the Heavenly Parent Japan of the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community...

The second-generation: the vision and hope for the church

On March 4, a special gathering for second generation was held at Kanayama Family Church of the South Aichi District, wh...

Proud Pioneers of God’s Kingdom

On February 18, the 24th Anniversary of the Leda Project and Special Gathering for a New Spring was held at the Shoto He...

Build a family where God can live together with us

On January 29, a special service was held at the Omiya Family Church of the West Saitama District, where Mr. and Mrs. Ba...

Lend your ears and run forward!

On January 4, the Opening Ceremony for the Regional Group of Heavenly Japan of the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community in 2...

Let us walk with conviction in the power of God’s words

On November 27, 2022, a Special Meeting of the Fukuoka District was held at Fukuoka Family Church (Fukuoka District), wh...

Time for the second generation to take the lead in God’s will

Nov. 6, 2022 Shoto Headquarters Shibuya, Tokyo Recently, Church Leader Kazuki Watanabe of Matsudo Family Church in the N...