Watching the Video of The 2nd THINK TANK 2022 Forum

On October 16, the 2nd THINK TANK 2020 was held and leaders of Korea, Japan and USA including Mike Pence, the former vice president of USA, discussed peaceful unification of Korean Peninsula. The video of this event will be shared by PeaceLink as follows;

1. Date: At 9:00 ~ 12:00 on November 20, 2021

2. Content
1) Keynote Speech by Mike Pence, the former vice president of USA
2) Q&A Session with leaders of Korea, Japan and USA
3) Q&A Session with general citizens in Korea

3. The Way of Watching:PeaceLink(
※The language is English. It will be translated into Japanese, Korean, French and Spanish.

4. PR Videos of THINK TANK Forum