Final Extension of the Grace Period for the Joint Application of Ancestor Liberation and Blessing of 430 Generations

Regarding the grace of applying for the ancestor liberation and blessing of up to 430 generations, which was permitted until the 8th anniversary of Father’s seonghwa, the True Parents have allowed a one-year extension until the festivities for the 9th anniversary of Father’s seonghwa in 2021.

Final Extension of the Grace Period for the Joint Application of Ancestor Liberation and Blessing of 430 Generations

1. Extended Period: Until the Great Works for the 9th Anniversary of the Cosmic Seonghwa on August 24, 2021
2. Ancestor Liberation: Application for the liberation of up to 430 generations will be permitted to those that have already liberated up to 210 generations.
3. Ancestor Blessing: Applications will be permitted for the ancestor blessing ceremony, which will be held 100 days after the completion of ancestor liberation.
4. Criteria for applying for Ancestor Liberation & Blessing (in Japan): Same as before

*The grace period for the joint application of Ancestor Liberation and Blessing of up to 430 generations will end at the festivities for the 9th anniversary of Father’s seonghwa in 2021. Thereafter, the grace of the joint application mentioned above will conclude, and applications for ancestor liberations and blessings will revert to the previous criteria.