Prayer is the most powerful thing! —The force that makes the impossible possible— (Final)

Miki Abe
Family Education Department (※at the time of writing)

Changes to Prayer Procedures

Since September 1999, blessed families have been able to pray in their own names, and since 2001, “prayer” has been replaced by “report.” Furthermore, on September 14, 2006, True Father said the following and proclaimed the word, “Aju” to conclude prayer.

. “Aju” means “my abode.” The ah in “aju” can be written with the Chinese character (我) that means “me.” The syllable “Ah!” is also the sound we make when in awe. “Ah!” is a sound that contains and expresses surprise and admiration. Thus it will release all the bitter sorrow of human history. You often hear, “Ah, this is good!” But do you ever hear, “Ah, this is bad”? When we say, “Ah!” we usually are referring to what is best. Now the second syllable, ju, can be written with either the Chinese character for “lord” (主) or the character that means “reside” (住). Therefore “aju” refers to the final position one assumes after becoming an owner. “Aju” also means “moving in;” thus it means, “Ah, I have now become an owner, and I need to move into my home!” “My home” means God’s master bedroom. When we are born, we are not immediately in God’s master bedroom. We first live in the womb of God’s wife. However, when we grow up, we come to say, “Aju, this is my home!” There is no greater aspiration than this. It means that my home has become a place founded on the realm of eternal oneness. It has become inseparable from the inner heart of God. Hence “my home” has two meanings: It is my home, and it is the home of God’s innermost heart.

Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Scriptures of Cheon Il Guk, Book 11, Chapter 4. 4. 22

When couples, such as pastors and their wives, join hands to offer benedictions, they may pray, “I report this (or bless this) in the name of (husband’s name) and (wife’s name), a central blessed family.” However, this is not an official instruction from the True Parents. Just as True Parents pray “in the name of True Parents,” the pastors (or a blessed families), who are substitutes of True Parents, may pray together as a couple; but in principle, it is proper to pray in the name of the individual.

Changes to Prayer Procedures

• Before Holy Wedding of True Parents, March 16, 1960 of lunar calendar

All members: “I pray this in the name of the Lord’s name. Amen.”

• After Holy Wedding of True Parents, March 16, 1960 of lunar calendar

All members: “I pray this in the name of the True Parents. Amen.”

Sanctification: “In order to sanctify this (name of object) and return it to God, I pray this in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, True Parents, and my name.”

• September 14, 1999 (NY time) on the victorious foundation of Nine Nine Jeol on September 9 and Three Ten Jeol on September 10

Blessed Families: “I pray this in the name of (your name), a blessed family who has inherited the victorious realm of True Parents through the blessing. Amen.”

Blessed Children: “I pray this in the name of (your name), the son/daughter of a blessed family who has inherited the victorious realm of True Parents through the blessing. Amen.”

Members who hadn’t received the blessing: “I prayer this in the name of the True Parents. Amen.”

• Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship, January 13, 2001

Blessed Families: “I report this in the name of (your name), a central blessed family. Amen.”

Blessed Children who hadn’t received the blessing: “I report this in the name of (your name), a son/daughter of a central blessed family. Amen.”

• September 14, 2006

Blessed Families: “I report this in the name of (your name), a central blessed family. Aju.”

Blessed Children who hadn’t received the blessing: “I report this in the name of (your name), a son/daughter of a central blessed family. Aju.”

Members who hadn’t received the blessing: “I report this in the name of True Parents. Aju.”

Sanctification: “In order to sanctify this (name of object) and return it to God, I report this in the name of True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind; the families of the True Children; and (your name), a master of Cheon Il Guk.”

• March 20, 2013

Blessed Children who hadn’t received the blessing: “I report this in the name of (your name), a second/third generation of a blessed family. Aju.”
*For educational purposes, Jacob’s children may also report in the same fashion as blessed children.

• April 22, 2016

Sanctification: “In order to sanctify this and return it to the Heavenly Parent, I report this in the name of True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind; and (your name).”

Other: “I report this in the name of True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind; and (your name).”
*Done for such things as Holy Candle, Holy Matches, and Holy Salt.