A poem which Rev. Lee Seong-man, the vice president of FFWPU Japan, dedicated toTrue Mother

(December 5, 2020, after the Rally of Hope of WCLC in Las Vegas)

※True Mother guided religious leaders of ACLC, WCLC to read this poem.


Clinging to the words of the Lord,
“You must be born again,”
Already 2,000 years have come and gone.
During this period,
Nicodemus’ descendants have been wandering in darkness.

With the Lord’s promise, “I will come again soon,”
People here and there are still waiting while praying, “Lord, come quickly.”
Even after the appointed time, they keep praying for him to come;
With this, God covers His ears.

The Fig Tree’s branches continue growing tender shoots,
And new leaves are sprouting year after year.
Yet people are still blind because the cross obscures their vision
Like clouds covering the sky.

Why do you not take down the cross?
Why do you not rid yourself of the yoke of the cross?
Then, your spirit will open; the scales will fall from your eyes
And you will become today’s Copernicus.

They say faith comes from listening.
Clergy who are poor in spirit will find the answer
To the issue that the Lord had brought before us,
If only they listen to historical truths that the only-begotten Daughter,
True Mother, reveals to the world.
Why do you not go to her bosom and enter her embrace,
And receive love from the Mother of the universe?
Be embraced in the warmth of her bosom,
And receive the living spirit of Heavenly Parent!

Mother will bind you in the cords of her love,
Bind you with her cords of life,
From her you will be born again.

Archbishops and ministers of the Elder son Nation praise her,
Chosen to be in the group of the righteous.
Cardinals of the Central and South America,
Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church,
Prophet of the Revelation Church of God from Africa, and more,

In consort, as if one voice, at the Rally of Hope,
All praise and testify to True Parents, the Parents of Heaven and Earth,
Their words resound, echoing throughout the world to all humankind.

Blessed are those who saw the Mother of the Universe today,
For in her, they met Heavenly Parent.
Blessed are those who heard the voice of the Mother,
For it is the beginning of their rebirth as the children of Heavenly Parent,
Engrafted by truth, life and love.

In the past, only to attend the Lord,
The Pilgrims crossed the Atlantic Ocean with faith stronger than their own lives,
They built their church first, before they would lay down under their own roofs.

Yet today, in order to attend True Parents,
People who are reborn into the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Comunity,
Cross the five oceans, like the mountains of people and the seas of people,
At Heaven’s Garden called Hyojeong, meaning filial heart,
In a city of Cheon Il Guk, the unified world of heaven and earth.

Let us now rejoice;
Let us sing a new song, the song of the new heaven and the new earth.