Online Special Seminar for International Families

  May the Heavenly Parent and True Parents’ blessing and love be with you all.

  You offer your sincerity to heaven more than before, welcoming the era of Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community.  We will have a special seminar for international families in English as follows.  This is an occasion for us to know about sects and understand True Mother more deeply.  Please join this special seminar.


  1. Date & Time: 14:00~17:00 on Sunday, August 23, 2020

  ※Originally, it was 14:30~ on 22, 2020.  The date & time has changed.


  1. Participants

  International blessed family living in Japan


  1. How to Attend: Online

   We hold the seminar online only.  We will not meet at headquaters.  You can watch it at home.       Afterwards, I will send you a link to join the seminar through your church.  You also can get             together in a small group at your church if it permits and prepares.


  1. Lecturers

  ①Dr. Hideo Oyamada (Speaker of CIG National Assembly Japan)

  ②Mr. Norishige Kondo (Director of General Affairs Department, HQ)

  ③Rev. Taeseog Cheong (Vice Director of General Affairs Department, HQ)


  1. Purposes

  ①Knowing history and present situation of sects

  ②Understanding True Mother and establishing the view of True Parents