

Faith through LIfe Witnessing through Life Education through Life CH5

The copyright for this collection of words belongs to the Family Federation and Kogensha. Unauthorized reproduction, dup...

Faith through LIfe Witnessing through Life Education through Life CH4

The copyright for this collection of words belongs to the Family Federation and Kogensha. Unauthorized reproduction, dup...

Faith through LIfe Witnessing through Life Education through Life CH3

The copyright for this collection of words belongs to the Family Federation and Kogensha. Unauthorized reproduction, dup...

Faith through LIfe Witnessing through Life Education through Life CH2

The copyright for this collection of words belongs to the Family Federation and Kogensha. Unauthorized reproduction, dup...

Faith through LIfe Witnessing through Life Education through Life CH1

The copyright for this collection of words belongs to the Family Federation and Kogensha. Unauthorized reproduction, dup...

Faith through LIfe Witnessing through Life Education through Life Into & Table of Contents

To become a family where the flower of faith blooms Faith through Life Witnessing through Life Education through Life He...


This is an English translation of the book『生活信仰 生活伝道 生活教育』(Faith through  Life, Witnessing through Life, Education throu...

Prayer is the most powerful thing! —The force that makes the impossible possible— (Final)

Miki Abe Family Education Department (※at the time of writing) Changes to Prayer Procedures Since September 1999, blesse...

Prayer is the most powerful thing! —The force that makes the impossible possible— (Vol. 4)

Miki Abe Family Education Department(※at the time of writing) How to Approach Prayer 1. Where to Pray At home, prepare a...

Prayer is the most powerful thing! —The force that makes the impossible possible— (Vol. 3)

Miki Abe Family Education Department(※at the time of writing) The Practice of Prayer 1. Three Enemies (of Prayer) There ...

Prayer is the most powerful thing! —The force that makes the impossible possible— (Vol. 2)

Prayer is the most powerful thing! —The force that makes the impossible possible— (Vol. 2) Miki Abe Family Education Dep...

Prayer is the most powerful thing! —The force that makes the impossible possible— (Vol.1 )

Miki Abe Family Education Department The Purpose of Prayer Prayer, the word, and practice (of the word) are three of the...