Special 50-day Course to Begin the 9th Year of Cheon Il Guk

Greetings to all.


With the start of the 9th year of Cheon Il Guk, all of the world’s blessed families were able to celebrate the Cosmic Holy Birth of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind through the PeaceLink, and in a few days, we will welcome the 8th anniversary of Foundation Day. Last year—the 8th year of Cheon Il Guk—was a historical and blessed year where Cheonbo families were able to be registered for the first time and the historical Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community was set up under the declaration of the firm establishment of Cheon Il Guk, as it marked the 100th anniversary of the Holy Birth of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, as well as the 60th anniversary of the Holy Wedding. Inheriting these victories, (the Holy Community) has embarked with a new leadership structure worldwide for the victory of Vision 2027. In Heavenly Japan, we have embarked with leadership centering on Regional Group President Bang Sang-il and President Tomihiro Tanaka. On the victorious foundation of the Special 100-day Cheongseong Course from November 1 to February 8, we welcomed True Parents on February 7 where she offered a service of hope for the advancement for the Region 1 of Heavenly Japan. During that time, she sang the children’s song, “Pasqueflower,” which True Father often sang when thinking about the members in Japan, and she said, “I remember Father sang this song in hopes that members in Japan could move forward with loyalty towards heaven and an unchanging spirit like the pasqueflower, so that Japan may fulfill the mission of the Mother Nation.” She also gave us words of blessing when she stated, “Japan’s responsibility is great. We do not have all the time in the world. Let us make a miracle and show the world that (Japan) is the Mother Nation determined to work with me in order to bring the great victory of recapturing the highlands—the restoration of Japan.” In order to realize this blessing, we ask all leaders and blessed families to carry out “the Special 50-day Course to Begin the 9th Year of Cheon Il Guk,” detailed below, beginning from this coming Foundation Day. In the spirit of the pasqueflower given to Japan by True Parents, let us become leaders and blessed families of the Heavenly Japan that can realize the 5 objectives centered on the Heavenly Parent and True Parents, in order to achieve the victory that can eradicate the sorrowful memories of the fall by offering our loyalty.





Special 50-day Course to Begin the 9th Year of Cheon Il Guk



February 24, 2021 – April 14, 2021 (50 days)

*January 13 – March 3 of 9th year of the heavenly calendar


  • For True Mother’s health and well-being
  • For each branch to become one under the new leadership as we embark on the 9th year of Cheon Il Guk
  • For all blessed families to be victorious families that can register into Cheonbo
  • For the victory of the firm establishment of the Heavenly Unified Korea
  • For the Mother Nation of Japan to be victorious in her mission


  • Cheongseong Prayer: 12 minutes daily

              *Pray for all of the names listed under the list of 43 families in 3)

  • Hoon Dok Reading: Mother’s Memoir, The Mother of Peace
  • Construct a list of 43 families so each of them can be victorious in becoming Cheonbo families
  • Practicing a life of living for the sake of others, especially amongst family members
  • Carry out volunteer activities to help communities and society


*Additional conditions may be added according church and district leaders.