HJ CheonBo Special Workshop Schedule for 2021

The schedule may be changed due to circumstances of the Training Center, so please check it with your local church.


  1. 2021 Schedule for Great Works (Live Broadcast)

 * Schedule and workshop name may be subject to change.


  1. Schedule for the 2021 CheonBo 2-day Workshops [Ancestor Blessing will be conducted once a month]

* Up until the Holy Ascension Anniversary on Aug 24, 2021 members can liberate and bless 430 generations at once.

BUS – Blessing for Unmarried 1st Generations Spirits

S&P M – Spirit World and Physical World Matching Ceremony

S&P B – Spirit World and Physical World Blessing Ceremony

S&P S – Starting Family Life as a Spirit World and Physical World Blessed Family

GW 1 – 2021 Hyojeong CheonBo Great Works Commemorating True Parents’ Birthday

GW 2 – 2021 Hyojeong CheonBo Great Works Commemorating True Parents’ Holy Wedding Anniversary

GW 3 – 2021 Summer Hyojeong CheonBo Great Works Commemorating the 9th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

GW 4 – 2021 Autumn Hyojeong CheonBo Great Works

  1. Hyojeong CheonBo 40-Day Workshop: Postponed until further notice
  2. Blessing for Unmarried Spirits

  1. Spirit World, Physical World Blessing Workshops (Live Broadcast)