To become a family where the flower of faith blooms
Faith through Life
Witnessing through Life
Education through Life
Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
With the great command of returning to the starting point, the Family Federation is taking a giant step toward the path of reformation.
The Unification Church has taken over the mission to receive the Second Advent of the Messiah based on the history of 2,000 years of martyrdom of Christianity which shouldered the central axis of the providence since Jesus’ crucifixion. Since its founding in 1954, the forty years of the Unification Church, like it was said so called “Religion of Suffering”, was an age of indemnity that church members sacrificed loved ones, their foundation for daily lives, and offered themselves to heaven.
Jesus even said, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.” (Luke 18:29-30) We have walked the path of the line between God and Satan which is difficult to understand for those who live on the periphery of providence. It can be said that all of this was the path of destiny for the Abel realm to firmly establish the Heavenly Parent’s (God’s) ideal of creation on earth.
Faith through (Dairy) Life
As we stand on the foundation of 40 years of indemnity, the providence has now entered an age of great transformation. Just as the Israelites had to leave Egypt, where they had lived for 430 years and needed to pass through 40 years of hardship in the wilderness to enter the age of being established in God’s promised land of Canaan, we must realize that the providential compass is now changing its course greatly and pointing towards the settlement and firm establishment of Cheon Il Guk.
“Humanity was not originally created to relate to God through religion and a life of faith. In the original garden, religion did not exist. There was no need for the formalities of ritual in the original relationship between God and human beings. It was to have been a relationship of true parent and true child living as an ideal family, intoxicated in the bliss of true love.”(Book2, 9, Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, The Holy Scripture of Cheon Il Guk)
The purpose of religion is to create individuals, families, and societies in which religion is not necessary. When one enrolls in school, one must complete the prescribed course of study in order to graduate. Likewise, religion must place even greater emphasis on educating and training individuals to become people who can live with faith and graduate (this path), rather than focusing on just gaining new followers.
“Faith through Life” is a step that is required of us in order to reach the destination that the needle of this providential compass is pointing to.
“We can become ideal couples and families by continuously training ourselves through a life of faith in which we practice true love by living and investing for the sake of others. The only way the world and all humanity can expect to have a bright future is by surmounting the habits of extreme self-centeredness, individualism and materialism. This is the only way we can protect people from immorality, the corruption of youth and the breakdown of families.”(Book 7, 4, Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, The Holy Scripture of Cheon Il Guk)
“Adam, Eve, and their children would have established the fundamental principle in their lives that all humanity could follow.” (November, 27, 1997)
In order to establish a world of culture of heart, we must further expand the movement to build a family of true love under God’s blessing by cultivating character through the education of true love and the ideology of True Parents. As True Mother emphasized, the path of “CheonBo Training” which puts the practice of love into daily life is the core that the needle of the compass points to.
Witnessing through (Dairy) Life
The commitment to “Faith through Life” will surely lead to “Witnessing through Life”. As long as Abel sticks to the word and practices it in daily life, it will “resonate” with the original nature of people in the Cain realm, and a big change will occur in their hearts.
Witnessing in the age of Cheon Il Guk is “Witnessing through Life”. The best environment for witnessing is in daily life where you have relationships with your family, relatives, friends, and colleagues, etc. There is no need to be self-conscious. As long as you live a normal life that is based on God’s words, a natural “resonance” will occur in their hearts.
Through Abel’s “Faith through Life”, the Cain realm will become connected to a life intoxicated with the happiness of true love, twenty-four hours in the environmental realm of “Witnessing through Life”.
Education through (Dairy) Life
In this kind of environment that resonates with people’s hearts, “Education through Life” will be established unconsciously. Just as a child learns by watching their parents, as Abel practices a life of love rooted in the word, this life will be connected to “Education through Life” of Cain’s realm. In that kind of life, Heavenly Parent and True Parents will likely already be firmly established.
The core of Cheon Il Guk culture will be “Hyojeong”. A life where the child lives in understanding of their parents’ hearts is a life that fosters hyojeong. When this is accomplished, the word “religion” will likely disappear.
This book was arranged and complied by choosing words related to the themes of “Faith through Life”, “Witnessing through Life” and “Education through Life” from True Parents’ words.
Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Age of Putting into Practice
The Age of Firm Establishment of Cheon Il Guk
The Time to Establish Family
God’s Ideal of Creation
Heaven Starts with Family
Bringing Fruit to Family Life
Chapter 2 Life through Life
The Age of Attendance
Attending Heavenly Parent and True Parents
Attending Each Other in a Family
What is True Love?
Living for the Sake of Others
Unity of Mind and Body
High Noon Settlement
Family Pledge
Chapter 3 Witnessing through Life
Witnessing of Tribe, Friends and Acquaintances
Every Circumstance is an Occasion of Witnessing
Setting an Example
Loving with Heart of Parents
The Way of Voluntary Submission
Settlement of Family Church
Chapter 4 Education through Life
Life to Perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart
Nurturing Heart of Husband and Wife
Showing an Example as Parents
Loving Children
The Dutiful Way of Filial Peity
Siblings’ Love
Family is a School of Love
Living Together
Family of the Realm of Three Generations
Loving Family and Loving the World
Chapter 5 Hyojeong for Heaven / Be the Light of the World
The Path We Should Take
Witnessing as Creation of Environment
Becoming Filial son and daughter of Heaven
Realizing the World of One Human Family with Hyojeong