Hokkaido, Japan
Sep. 15, 2024
On September 15, the “2024 Heavenly Japan Filial Piety Dedication Holy Fire Ceremony to Inherit Heavenly Fortune” was held at the “Hometown of Holy Fire” near Obihiro City, Hokkaido. In his commemorative address, President Tomihiro Tanaka spoke about the upcoming entrance into Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum in seven months’ time and called to “strengthen our resolve for the next seven months and move forward, aiming only for victory, only for hope!”
Editorial Department
The main players of the holy fire ceremony are the ancestors who became absolute good spirits
Good morning to all Blessed Families and members in Hokkaido, and to all brothers and sisters throughout Japan.
The forecast called for rain in the morning and we were worried, but it seems to have all fallen last night. Now we can see the blue sky. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to heaven’s guiding hand.
I come to Hometown of Holy Fire once a year, and every time I feel the resonance of the Holy Spirit, or perhaps it is the resonance of the spirit, and I am reminded about having a grateful heart. The Hometown of Holy Fire is carefully managed by our brothers and sisters in Obihiro, and the holy fire ceremony would not be possible without the cooperation of everyone in the Hokkaido area. Let us give a round of applause to appreciate everyone in Hokkaido. (Applause.) Thank you very much.
Today, we have about twenty buses from all over Japan, and some of you have gathered here on behalf of your local brothers and sisters. With the cheongseong, that you have devoted yourself to, backing us, I am sure that many of the absolute good spirits are also present here with gratitude and joy.
The main players in today’s ceremony are the spirits. Our ancestors, who have become absolute good spirits, are about to receive grace on the foundation of love, cheongseong, and devotion offered by our brothers and sisters on earth, and are about to enter the moment where even the traces of their past sins will be cleared away. They must be approaching this moment with a greater sense of urgency than we are.
We were handed down the grace of Hyojeong Dedication Paper from True Parents’ realm of victory. Once again, let us send a big round of applause of gratitude to the Heavenly Parent (God) and True Parents. (Applause)
God’s greatest sorrow is that He could not be the parents of humankind
As I boarded the plane and headed this way, I have been thinking about what I should share with you all. Today, the title of my speech is Now we have entered the final stage of God’s liberation.
True Mother’s greatest concern is the upcoming entrance into Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum in seven months’ time. She even refers to this as “the completion of human history and the completion of the providence of restoration.” When I first heard this statement, I thought, “‘completion’ is too over the top.” I would like to take this opportunity to make a confession. I feel that if I confess while I am here in Hometown of Holy Fire, I will be forgiven by Heaven. (Laughter)
True Mother spends her days under unimaginable pressure.
Recently, I participated in a one-week cheongseong course in Cheongpyeong, Korea, in response to True Mother’s wish. With such a strong feeling she asked me to fast for a week and offer cheongseong if I could not come.
I came to a conclusion through this week of cheongseong. I have finally come to realize the meaning of “completion” as she mentioned earlier. I would like to share that meaning with all of you.
What was the core purpose of True Parents coming to this earth, their central mission? Please look back on what has happened since you were led to this path. You have heard the phrase “God’s liberation” many times. Looking at True Father’s life course, there were many proclamation ceremonies for God’s liberation. I am sorry to say that I have sometimes wondered, “God’s liberation is not complete yet?”
For the past twelve years since True Father’s seonghwa, True Mother has been moving forward headlong towards “completion.” I have taken the time to think deeply about where her intention lies.
God’s greatest sorrow, His greatest anguish, is that He lost His own children through the fall of the ancestors of humankind. Although God is the Parent of humankind, He has never been called “Parent.” It would be more correct to say that no one was in a position to call Him “Parent.”
In the Age of the Old Testament, He was called “Yahweh,” and in the Age of the New Testament, He was called “God the Father” through Jesus. But He could not be the Parent. God has led the providence of salvation for humankind to this day, even though His own dream was taken away from Him, and He became “the God in prison.”
During the seven-day cheongseong course, I was reminded of True Mother’s strong desire and belief to absolutely liberate God from His pain.
True Father said, “We must teach those who do not know that God is the Parent, that God is the Parent. That is our mission.” It may be said that True Mother suffered these twelve years in order to create an environment where God could be welcomed on earth as the Parent.
We are scheduled to enter the Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum next April. The construction of Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum was officially announced by True Mother in 2014 under the name of CheonJi Sunhak Won. Ten years have passed since then. Who among us has seriously considered the meaning of its consecration?
During this time, True Mother created the environment where she could announce the name Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum. And with the word “entering the palace,” she has let us know the importance of “time.”
God settles in the family beyond time and space
Creating an environment in which we can call God our Parent. What is this environment?
The reason that parents can be parents is that they have their children. There is no place for people to stand as parents where there are no children. Therefore, unless God prepares children who can say, “They are My children,” the way to receive God as the Parent will not be prepared. This is what True Mother has been struggling with for ten years.
Then, who are His children? Needless to say, it is us. We, the Blessed Families, must stand in a position to inherit the realm of victory of the Parent and become children to whom the Parent can say, “I will pass down everything I have.”
Please understand that True Mother is preparing for the moment of God’s final liberation. For this purpose, she has given us the title, “Cheonbo.”
The essence of Cheonbo is heavenly tribal messiahship. With the victory of the heavenly tribal messiahship, the people of Cheon Il Guk will be prepared as children, who can inherit the realm of victory of the Parent, and as the flowers of Cheonbo that will never wither. Welcoming the Parent in Cheonbo families is the essential meaning behind welcoming God as the Parent in Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum.
True Mother said that Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum are “God’s houses on earth.” Of course, this does not mean that God is confined in the buildings of Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum. It means that a completely new era will begin, in which He can settle as parents where His children are. For the first time in human history, we are entering this moment.
The Cheon Il Sanctum, where God descends to earth, is the Main Holy Temple. We have been taught many times that the church is the branch temple and our families are the substantial temples. God will transcend time and space and settle on earth in the Cheon Il Sanctum, but He will also do so in the church—the branch temple— and in our families—the substantial temples. On April 13 of next year, He will come to our families as well. “Oh, my God, is that so? I’ve got to clean up.” We don’t have time to say such things. (Laughter)
First of all, let us clean our hearts so that God can settle there. Then, we should review our marital and parent-child relationships, and build proper relationships of heart where God can settle. In these seven months, let us create an environment in our hearts where we can welcome the Parent. How about it? (Applause)
True Mother has repeatedly said, “The Heavenly Parent’s dream was to embrace and love His children as the True Parent here on earth, and after living on earth, to go to the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven where they live with Him in the eternal world.”
God’s dream did not come true due to the fall of Adam and Eve, the first human progenitors. After 6,000 years, God will stand as the Parent on earth, and a completely new era will begin in which God can live eternally with humankind while experiencing the four great hearts.
A great, new culture centered on the Heavenly Parent begins
With it, a whole new art and a whole new culture will begin.
In welcoming God to earth, True Mother requested that we not use existing music. She said that a completely new style of music must be created with revelations from heaven.
Currently, thirteen musicians from around the world have gathered in Cheongpyeong. Every day, they participate in the Cheon Shim Won Special Vigil Prayers, and form the music that is given to them by Heaven. True Mother is encouraging them to do so.
“The songs have already been created in heaven. There are great musicians such as Beethoven and Handel who have been waiting for the Second Coming of the Messiah, aren’t there? On earth stands the Messiah, the True Parents of humankind. When we finally receive God as our Parent, we just have to catch the music that has already been made from heaven.”
A great, new culture centered on the Heavenly Parent will undoubtedly begin. The core of that transmission must be the family. What will happen to married couples who welcome God to earth? What will happen to parents and children who welcome God? Our families will transmit a whole new culture.
Creating an environment that brings miracles to all people. We must seriously start this and incorporate all of humankind into this.
God’s providence of salvation will not end until every last person is brought back
What is the most important thing that the Heavenly Parent wanted to do when He came to earth? That is, to return every single one of His children to His bosom. Not only the human race on earth, but also the billions and trillions of spirits. They too are children of the Heavenly Parent.
God’s providence of salvation will not end until He brings back the every last one. Why? Because He is the Parent. Until every last one is saved, He will never stop reaching out His hand to save them. This is the Parent. Aju? (Aju!) We will receive this Parent on earth, and together, we will run towards the fulfillment of God’s will.
Seven months later, a Blessing Ceremony will be held as we welcome the Heavenly Parent on earth. True Mother has decided to give us a special pardon so that we can return to the Heavenly Parent once again. All Blessed Families and all children are eligible.
We must become a family that will participate in this Blessing as completely new children and as citizens of Cheon Il Guk. As of today, let us make a new start with a clean slate.
In particular, the spirits must participate in the workshops for one hundred days in the spiritual world in order to be present at the Blessing. If there are a hundred days left until April 13 next year, we need to finish the liberation of our ancestors by the end of this year. To that point, we must take on this challenge as heavenly tribal messiahs and Cheonbo families. Can you do it?
During these seven months, True Mother is going to challenge us with a desperate resolve. The difficult court issues that our group is facing will also be settled during this time. We will work with our sights set on that moment.
Let us clearly show the Japanese people the truth about us
What is absolutely necessary for this victory? It is substance. It is important that the people of Japan be properly informed of the truth about who we really are. If many people know the substance of our brothers and sisters throughout Japan, it will be the most reassuring support for us to go to trial.
If they communicate with the believers of the Family Federation and face us, they will be convinced that “this is the real thing” and will stand up to fight together with us. Heaven is surely preparing such righteous people all over the country. It is the substance behind us that can pull up these righteous people.
At this time when we are welcoming God to the earth, as they see us living with dignity for the community and the nation, would they really be able to dissolve our group? “Can we let these believers become victims where they lose their church?” We need to become substantial people that make them say this. Let us show ourselves boldly before all the people of Japan! (Applause)
Today, please go home with the Family Federation mark covering your entire body. (Laughter) Our every move will be a testimony. It is important that we show that God is always with us 24 hours a day, so that people will recognize that “the Family Federation is a religion after all.”
Let us strengthen our resolve together for the next seven months, and let us move forward with our eyes fixed only on victory and hope!