Providential Meaning of Entering Cheon Won Gung

On April 24, a celebration was held at the Cheongshim Peace World Center in Cheongpyeong, Korea, to commemorate the 64th anniversary of True Parents’ Holy Wedding. In her words, True Mother mentioned the entrance ceremony of Cheon Won Gung will be held in April next year, and asked us to prepare for that day with all our sincerity and effort. President Tomihiro Tanaka will explain the providential meaning of entering Cheon Won Gung.

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“Through the True Parents, who are fulfilling Heavenly Parent’s dream on earth, Cheon Won Gung is being established. There will be the Entrance Ceremony next year, in attendance of our Heavenly Parent. Should we be the only ones to experience this tremendous, soul-stirring experience, this overwhelming gratitude and joy?

I sincerely hope that all of you will become blessed families who work tirelessly to bring about the day when all 8 billion people of the world will attend the Heavenly Parent on earth, and the day when all of humankind will become one in Heavenly Parent’s embrace. Through our combined devotion and efforts, I pray that you will all become blessed families who announce this day and bring it to pass even sooner.”

Han, Hak Ja, (2024, April 24) Speech given at the 64th Anniversary of the Holy Wedding of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

The entrance ceremony of Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum, scheduled for March 16 of the thirteenth year of the heavenly calendar (April 13, 2025), is less than a year away, and we are now in the countdown towards D-Day.

The entrance ceremony of Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum will be a day when the Heavenly Parent is firmly established on earth, and it will be the most joyous holy day in 6,000 years of human history. This will be the day that “the ideal of one human family under Heavenly Parent” that the Heavenly Parent dreamed of at the beginning of time will finally lay root on earth after 6,000 years.

It is also the day in which True Parents—who have performed the highest acts of filial piety in the history of humankind—and True Mother—now the only begotten daughter who is leading the providence on earth—together with True Father in Heaven will offer the highest glory to the Heavenly Parent. It will be a cosmic event that will lift the curtain on “heaven’s providence and the completion of human history.”

So, let me reiterate the providential meaning of the entry into Cheon Won Gung.

True Mother said, “If the Heavenly Parent’s dream is a life on earth, a heavenly life on earth with His children, then there must be a home.” Therefore, the most fundamental meaning of Cheon Won Gung is the “house where the Heavenly Parent and His children live a heavenly life together on earth.” Based on this fundamental meaning, let me explain it in the following three points.

Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum

The primary meaning is that the Cheon Wong Gung Cheon Il Sanctum will be where heaven’s heart will rest in the age of Cheon Il Guk. It is also the base that will be firmly established eternally on earth to welcome God as the Parent.

True Mother said, “Cheon Won Gung is the eternal holy temple,” and “It must be a place where the people of the world long to visit and live with nostalgia.” She also said, “Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum will be the headquarters of the cosmos.” She gave precise guidelines as to the design and gave meaning to the buildings.

Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum will be constructed so that a person (myself) stands in the center of the sanctum to represent the ideal of ‘heaven, earth and humankind’ in unity. In addition, the 14 giant Cheon Il sacred paintings on the left and right sides, will express True Parents’ life course and the experiences throughout heaven’s providence that were aimed at realizing the ideal of peace.

It symbolizes the completion of heaven’s providence and human history, and the establishment of “Cheon Il Guk sovereignty” through the settlement of the Heavenly Parent on earth.

Once you step into the sanctum, you will be greeted by a moment of excitement and joy where the heavenly heart of the Heavenly Parent and the hyojeong of humankind come together. It was as if True Parents’ life course was for the moment of inviting humankind into the sanctum where they could have an inspiring encounter with the Heavenly Parent, so majestic and magnificent, and yet feel the delicate heart of True Parents’ forgiveness and love.

It also depicts the “footprints” of senior members who devoted their lives to heaven, serving the Heavenly Parent and True Parents. It is full of the world of heart that True Mother wants to leave behind forever on earth for humankind, and it will move people involuntarily to tears of gratitude.

Hall of Education

The second meaning is Cheon Won Gung’s “hall of education” will be a place to educate the lifestyles of heaven’s people during the age of Cheon Il Guk.

True Mother said, “All human beings in the world should come to Cheon Won Gung, receive education, see the facts, see the achievements of the parents, become reborn children through the blessing, and make life on earth that is fulfilling, beautiful and fruitful.”

In addition, it was said that the Cheonbo Blessed Families “must have achievements that can be recorded in the Cheon Il Sanctum through their efforts of cheongseong.”

Cheon Won Gung is a base where we can inherit the tradition of “heaven’s lifestyle” that serves the Heavenly Parent, and then spread it to all people while we establish this as our life of faith.

The core of what True Parents taught us throughout their lives is the tradition of living for the sake of others. The only way to realize a world of peace is to live for each other as brothers and sisters centered on the parents’ heart.

In this sense, Cheon Won Gung is a place to educate people on True Parents’ life course so they can grow and prosper as citizens of Cheon Il Guk, and it is also a hall of records where the practical lives of cheonbo families and blessed families who practiced “love heaven, love humankind, love country” are recorded as acts of the age of Cheon Il Guk.

Central Agency of Cheon Il Guk

The third meaning is that it it will be the “central agency of Cheon Wong Gung” where the rule of heaven will be developed substantially in the age of Cheon Il Guk.

True Mother said, “Cheon Won Gung is the concept of the central office of Cheon Il Guk,” and that it is the place where the Heavenly Parent will rule the whole world through the True Parents. It symbolizes the “government that governs Cheon Il Guk,” and is the core agency in which the government of Cheon Il Guk is carried out with True Parents at the center. It is also the symbol for realizing the peaceful world of interdependence, mutual prosperity, universal values, where harmony and unity are achieved centering on the ideal of Cheon Il Guk.

It will have an international conference hall and banquet hall, as well as the office of True Parents, and will also be the central office that can deal with the world leaders.

Considering the three providential meanings of Cheon Won Gung mentioned above, the entrance ceremony of Cheon Won Gung, will undoubtedly be a historic and victorious consecration ceremony that will remain in the history of the cosmos for a long time. We must prepare for it with our utmost cheongseong.

True Mother said, “The little needle that I found in the desert in the middle of a sandstorm was the children who could become one with Mother, the only begotten daughter.” That’s right. We are as precious as the needle that Mother found in the midst of difficult adversity. We absolutely must become (that needle).

It is natural that we become one with True Mother, and that is our destiny. Wouldn’t it be the most vital condition to dedicate the entrance ceremony triumphantly by becoming completely united in one heart, one body, one thought, and one harmony with Mother?

In the 12th year of Cheon Il Guk, the year of the Blue Dragon, let us become one with True Mother, fly and ascend to heaven, and be victorious in bringing the entrance ceremony of Cheon Won Gung.