At the end of last year, we had the 1st 40 Day Devotional Course. In that period, we received lectures on Divine Principle and True Parents’ lives presented by pastors and other staff. The 2nd one is giving us an occasion to make family and church filled with true love by practicing these words. It will be executed as follows;
1. Name: The 2nd 40 Day Special Devotional Course of Heavenly Japan for new start
2. Period: January 29th to March 9th (40 days)
3. Condition
1) Hoon Dok Hae
Reading words church by church or family by family
① Pyeong Hwa Gyeong of CIG Holy Scripture
② As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen (True Father’s autobiography)
③ Mother of Peace and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes (A memoir by Hak Ja Han Moon)
2) Prayer Meeting
① Family Prayer Meeting
Prayer after reading the prayer of True Parents for 40 days
② Church Prayer Meeting
Encouraged to hold Cheonshimwon (garden of heavenly heart) prayer meeting
3) Visitation by pastor