The 100-day Special Jeongseong Period for the Beginning of the Second 7-year Course and the Firm Establishment of the New Leadership Structure towards Vision 2027

The memorial events for the100th anniversary of the birth of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, as well as the 60th anniversary of the Holy Wedding, concluded on October 10th with the grand festivities of Cheonbo and the special blessing ceremony. With the victory banquet welcoming True Parents the following day, a new beginning was given to the whole world in the form of a new leadership structure and goals towards the victory of Vision 2027.

On that occasion, True Mother declared a new global structure. Rev. Bang Sang-il was appointed as the continental director of the Heavenly Japan for the Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community, and together with the appointment of Rev. Tomihiro Tanaka as the president of the Family Federation for a Heavenly Japan, it marked a new beginning for this region.

During the victory banquet, True Mother stressed the need for establishing the tradition of the providence, and said she had established the third generation in order to set up this tradition and that she would “create all environments so that water can flow smoothly” while she is on Earth.

With this, the Family Federation for a Heavenly Japan would like to carry out, in the following manner, the 100-day Special Jeongseong Period for the Beginning of the Second 7-year Course and the Firm Establishment of the New Leadership Structure, so that we may set up the providential traditions that are in accord with the will of the True Parents suitable to Heaven through the new leadership structure.

This 100-day offering will be split into two 50-day halves: the first half will be dedicated towards the complete victory of accomplishing the mission as the Mother Nation, and for organizational improvement through the new leadership structure; the second half will be for the new leadership structure to completely take root, and to create the foundation for this new beginning towards Vision 2027.

All leaders and blessed families of the Family Federation for a Heavenly Japan are under the Heaven’s Parents’ Holy Community, with the UPF and other institutions playing a central role. We ask that they all become one with the new leadership centered on the Heavenly Parent and True Parents, as we begin anew, and that they make a life-and-death determination to give their all and dedicate their Jeongseong through complete practice in order to establish the providential traditions of Heaven.





The 100-day Special Jeongseong Period for the Beginning of the Second 7-year Course and the Firm Establishment of the New Leadership Structure towards Vision 2027



November 1, 2020 – February 8, 2021 (100 days)

  1. First 50-day period: Nov. 1, 2020 – Dec. 20, 2020 (50 days)
  2. Second 50-day period: Dec. 21, 2020 – Feb. 8, 2020 (50 days)


  • True Mother’s health and well-being
  • To inherit True Mother’s realm of victory from the first 7-year course, and to be victorious in the second 7-year course
  • The new leadership structure to be victorious in Vision 2027, and for the firm establishment of the new structure
  • All blessed families to be victorious families that can register into Cheonbo
  • The Mother Nation of Japan to be victorious in her mission in 2020


  • Jeongseong Prayer: 12 minutes daily
  • Hoon Dok Reading: Mother’s Memoir, The Mother of Peace
  • Construct a list of 43 families so each of them can be victorious in becoming Cheonbo families
  • Practicing a life of living for the sake of others


*Additional conditions may be added according church and district leaders.